Thursday Moments

…for Pierrot Ensemble

Life is made of moments, many of which we find ourselves breezing through carelessly. Not often do we take pause, even in retrospect, to appreciate the moments that make up our lives. Out of context these moments seem incohesive, meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but collected together, we find that life is meaningless without them. Thursday Moments walks through the open and close of one of life’s many stories with the weighty realization that these moments have past. They slip from our grasp forever, and no matter how we push against time in our efforts to return, the tides of circumstance push us farther and farther away.

Dedicated to Matison Y. Lakstigala

[Perusal Score] | [Purchase]

Premiere performance on Febryary 25th, 2017 by:
Katie Conway, flute
Marcus Moore, clarinet
Bryce Bias, violin
Daniel Greene, cello
Kate Schwarz, piano